Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Adagirl is In the Now

Hi there! Adagirl is In the Now!

Before anything else, I'm wishing you and your loved ones Happy Holidays.

This is a special time of year and I hope you are building precious memories to treasure throughout the rest of your life. I know I am.

It is important for each of us to live in the "now" or "be present in the moment" because "now" is really all we have for certain. The past has helped make us who we are and we have learned and grown out of it. The future is oute there, but is not really certain, unless you have faith that it is (which I do). However, there is so much to see, hear, feel, and do right now, in this moment. I am thankful to the Creator of all things for this.

Again, Happy Holidays!



1 comment:

Judith said...

Ada, if anyone lives the here-and-now fully, it is you. You are able to do so so well because you both have a good grasp on history and a keen eye for the future, without letting either "run" your life, rather letting both enrich your present.

The future is indeed certain, but the mystery is in just what that certainty is. God, in His great wisdom, doesn't give us a complete knowledge of the future, thereby keeping us on our toes. :-)

You have given us a good thought for the beginning of a new year, and I thank you on this Communion Sunday for reminding me not to continually dwell on past indescretions and thereby letting them bind me, restricting me from positive action -- rather to accept the Lord's forgiveness and move forward in faith, doing the work He entrusted to me while I am on this earth.

Blessings to you, dear sister, throughout the coming year, as you are a blessing to all those you encounter!
